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Letter Notification
Posted by Higher Education Comission Waqas on 04 December 2014 08:37 PM

Subject: Merit List Generation for the Award of Laptop under the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme
Dear Student
Thanks for validating your record on the Students’ Service Portal at Please be
advised that validation of records by students does not guarantee in any ways for the award of laptop, nor it
shall be construed as eligible and/ or entitled for the award of laptop. Moreover, award of laptop is subject to
meeting the criteria defined for the scheme as available at, especially that the
student is NOT employed anywhere in any public or private organization, and student is still an enrolled
(NOT passed out) student of the university; and also subject to all verification(s)/ scrutiny by the university
at the time of distribution of laptops.
It is further highlighted that the award of laptops to the students studying in Bachelor or Master (16 year)
program is also subject to Merit List and only top students shall be awarded laptops as per the provision
available. Details on Merit List criteria available at
The Merit List strictly depends on Program Level, Year of Study and Percentage (based of CGPA if
applicable) in last exam. Therefore, to generate Merit List, HEC requires that the correct and updated
information is available to us, so that all students be treated with absolute fairness for inter se merit.
It has been learnt that the students’ data available with HEC as acquired from the universities/ institutes is
not updated in most cases, since the data was requested by HEC in February 2014 and provided by the
universities accordingly. It is also realized that many of the students have progressed one more semester or
year and would have their updated results available with them, as of June 30, 2014. There may be few
students who would have passed out by now and so they are not eligible anymore.
You are therefore requested to kindly refer to the link below and provide your updated information as of
JUNE 30, 2014. Once provided, your status will be changed from “Validated” to “Accepted for Merit List”.
Please note that you should provide only the correct information of which you have some documentary
evidence (applicable as of June 30, 2014), since you will be asked to produce the same at the time of
distribution of laptops.
Any wrong information with respect to Semester, Year of Study, Date of Admission, Percentage (based on
CGPA if applicable) in last exam and any other information as requested; OR failure to produce
documentary proof of your stated information at the time of laptop distribution, SHALL LEAD TO
DISQUALIFICATION STRAIGHTAWAY. This may also disqualify you from any future such schemes for
next five years. In case you experience any difficulty, please contact your university’s focal person for the
PM’s Laptop Scheme of which the details are available at HEC website, i.e.

With kind regards
Project Director Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme
Higher Education Commission Sector H – 9, Islamabad – Pakistan